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The Secrets of Caledonia

Here at TSOC, we are committed to providing products and services that do not have adverse effects on our precious planet.
We choose only sustainable and (where possible) local sources of materials. This means growing what we can on our own organic farm, and otherwise finding reliable, traceable and environmentally friendly origins, from establishments that share our planet-friendly ethos.

Tyne Steading Farm in Ormiston is our very own farmland, looked after by The Secrets of Caledonia.

It all started with an empty 8 acres of field in 2019. Now, our farm is certified organic, with over 500 herb beds containing around 40 varieties (and counting) of plants being nurtured diligently.

The use of our own organic farm for locally grown materials ensures we are not overharvesting plants, or taking vital vegetation from nature. It also guarantees that the plants we grow are fully traceable, local and sustainable.

We have planted many rare and beneficial species, continuing to grow this list with more collaborative upcoming projects.