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Myricle | Bog Myrtle
Plant Name: Bog Myrtle

INCI Name: Myrica Gale Flower/Fruit/Leaf/Twig Extract

Myrica gale, known as sweetgale or more commonly bog myrtle, is a small shrub that typically grows in acid peat bogs in Northern Europe. The aerial parts of this plant have a sweet scent and has been traditionally used as an insect repellent, as well as perfume, a condiment with foliage historically being used in royal wedding bouquets. In Scotland it is widely known to be able to ward off the highland midge. Bog myrtle has astringent and antiseptic properties and was traditionally used in wound healing poultices, as well as treating acne and alleviating digestive problems and itching. There have been recent plans to increase the production of the plant in Scotland for use as an essential oil for treating sensitive skin and acne. The bog myrtle we use in our extracts is sustainably foraged from northern parts of Scotland.
Product Efficacies
Skin Brightening