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The Secrets of Caledonia


GreenArt | Artichoke
Plant Name: Artichoke

INCI Name: Cynara Scolymus (Artichoke) Leaf Extract


Cynara scolymus, commonly known as Artichoke, is an edible perennial plant that originated from the Mediterranean region

and is widely cultivated for food around the world.

It is one of the oldest medicinal plants and is used as a digestive aid and to enhance gall bladder function.

High levels of polyphenols, such as caffeic acid derivatives and flavonoids, are found in Artichoke.

Leaf extracts have demonstrated antioxidant activities in vitro and in vivo by oral administration.

Caffeoylquinic acid, chlorogenic acid and luteolin-7-O-glucoside were identified as major active components.

These phenolic compounds have been found to inhibit bacterial and fungal growth.





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