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Brief description of products

Using natural Scottish flora and with the support of Scottish herbalists,
we produce of a wide range of active natural cosmetic ingredients that effectively improve the skin through anti-aging,
skin brightening and more. Our highly acclaimed products include…



Rosa | Rose
Plant Name: Rose

INCI Name: Rosa Centifolia Flower Extract


 Rosa centifolia is a hybrid, first developed by rose breeders in the Netherlands in the 16th Century. 

It is also commonly known as the cabbage rose due to its appearance of several overlapping petals. 

Rose has a very long history of being used in traditional medicine.

In Western herbal medicine it has been used as a mild sedative, anti-inflammatory agent and in an extract to treat skin problems. 

Scientific research has demonstrated anti-oxidant activities by radical scavenging activities 

as well as extracts of the rose petals having a beneficial effect on scalp seborrheic dermatitis.