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The Secrets of Caledonia

The Secrets of Caledonia (TSOC) is a supplier of natural cosmetic ingredients inspired by Scottish traditional herbal medicine.
Taking advantage of Scotland’s biodiversity and working in collaboration with established Scottish herbalists,
we aim to provide the most effective and innovative natural ingredients at the highest quality.


About Dee Atkinson

Dee Atkinson is a medicinal herbalist and runs the Napier’s Clinic in Edinburgh: Scotland’s oldest remaining herbal house.
Since her childhood she has been living in close contact with both herbal medicine and a healthy diet via self-sufficient
farming. ​
Later in life both Dee Atkinson and her sister went on to study herbal medicine, with Dee achieving her certifications from
the College of Phytotherapy in Tunbridge Wells. After a short time honing her skills in Glasgow, Dee was invited to take
over the Napiers Clinic by its then-owner Jan De Vries. ​
During her time in the Napier’s Clinic Dee has been working hard to develop new and more effective formulations drawing
on the clinic’s records and her own clinical experience. Using these unique complexes, Dee is able to treat the whole body
in synergy and assist in healing and general well-being. ​