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The Secrets of Caledonia


Calm Spring | Water Horsetail
Plant Name: Water Horsetail

INCI Name: Equisetum Fluviatile Extract

IECIC Name: -

Equisetum fluviatile, commonly known as Water or Swamp Horsetail, grows abundantly in Great Britain, especially Scotland.
In many traditional medicines, Equisetum fluviatile tea was taken orally or used in baths and compresses to treat the skin.
Medicinally, Water Horsetail was used as a treatment for eye infections and skin problems when applied topically or drank as an herb tea.
Chemical analysis of Water Horsetail constituents identified protoapigenine, protoapigenome and protogenkwanone and their derivatives.
These compounds suggest Horsetail’s antioxidant and antimicrobial activities.
Recent studies have shown Water Horsetail’s anti-inflammatory cosmetic properties for soothing skin.


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