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The Secrets of Caledonia

Here at TSOC, we are committed to providing products and services that do not have adverse effects on our precious planet.
We choose only sustainable and (where possible) local sources of materials. This means growing what we can on our own organic farm, and otherwise finding reliable, traceable and environmentally friendly origins, from establishments that share our planet-friendly ethos.

Farm Story

June 9, 2022 | TSOC

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Our Farm Story

January 11, 2021 | TSOC


To serve local products of high quality, we run Tyne Steading Farm with 8 Acres of land on our own, with collaborations with renowned herbalists, and with advice from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

Tyne Steading Farm is located in Ormiston, which is outskirts of Edinburgh, a great place for planting many of beautiful plants and medicinal herbs that is classified as ‘Land capability for agriculture class 2’ according to the criteria of ‘National scale land capability for agriculture’ in Scotland. These beautiful plants are used to create many of our sustainable extracts. By doing so, we keep our promise to obtain our ingredients in the most sustainable way and bring our customers the best natural cosmetic ingredients.

We already planted many of rare and beneficial herbs on our own and plan to grow the list in the future with more to come collaborative projects with the customers.

Please enjoy pretty pictures of plants and cute flowers growing with our diligent care in this wonderful farm as of now and keep an eye on our website for more great pictures later on. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any inquiries or requests for collaboration work.