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The Secrets of Caledonia

‘Combining traditions with science’

We are a manufacturer and supplier of natural cosmetic ingredients, focusing on botanical and algal extracts.


The Garden of Naturalsolution

The Garden of Naturalsolution is a leading manufacturer of natural cosmetic ingredients located in Korea.
We are specialized in and have committed to the development and supply of innovative and effective ingredients
that satisfy our customer needs. With profound knowledge and experience,
the researchers of The Garden of Naturalsolution are dedicated to find new beneficial sources from nature and
to develop unique technologies for safe and natural cosmetic ingredients.
Inspired by traditional knowledge of oriental herbal remedy, the effects and the values of natural actives are reinterpreted
and rediscovered by The Garden of Naturalsolution’s endeavor and passion.

The Art of Natural Solution

The Art of Natural Solution, is the North American sister company of The Secrets of Caledonia, located in New Jersey.
We develop novel botanical extracts by working with local herbalists. By using America’s abundant
resources, we are constantly developing natural products with great activities. Customers in North America are encouraged
to reach out to us for attentive details and development of cosmetic ingredients.